Centipede, Dracopede, Red

Armored centipede with a flaming breath attack. A small beast.

Imagine a bright-red centipede as long as a dog. It eats burnt organic matter.

HD: 1 Armor: as chain
Hit it: normal Dodge it: normal
Move: normal, climb normal  

It resists fire. It can detect nearby movement, and walk on any surface, even upside down. It can’t see well.

Attacks (1/round)

Bite. The dracopede makes one melee attack (1D4).

Defensive Curl. The dracopede curls into a ball. As long as it stays in this position, it cannot move or attack, nor be damaged by missile weapons and one-handed melee weapons.

Flammable Spray (recharge 2/6). The dracopede spits flammable acid in a short cone. Those who fail their dodge take acid damage (1D4). And fire damage (D4) every turn until the sticky liquid is removed.

This attack has no effect in cool temperatures.

Random Encounter
  1. Monster: 1D8 dracopedes.
  2. Lair: A maze of narrow tunnels dug in burnt wood.
    Omen: Subtle chewing noises.
  3. Spoor: A dead humanoid, burnt to crisp.
  4. Tracks: Burnt plants.
  5. Trace: A dracopede shell.
  6. Trace: Well polished surface.
Salvaging the body

Dracopedes are highly sought after for the alchemical property of their spit. Their carapace is very hard, but 5 of them are needed to make an human-sized armor.

Red Dracospit. Builds pressure and has 1/6 chance to explode if shaken. Highly flammable. Instantly catches on fire when exposed to hot air and burns 1 hour or until washed.

D6 Symbolism

In local cultures the bat is a symbol of …

  1. Dragons
  2. Elementals
  3. Seasons
  4. Shyness
  5. Weather
  6. Sacred


Dracopedes are original creations of Richard J Leblanc found in the Creature Compendium. I always love more insectoid diversity and really love their abilities. I was less a fan of making them look like dragons, I think their breath attack is a strong enough parallel without having to give them a dragon face. But that’s just my personal taste. — SaltyGoo

Written on November 14, 2020